cristina erdei: despre, de la
cristina erdei: despre, de la: A învăţa despre alţii, a şti de la alţii
'n' I
I can feel the thirst-
It burns the blood.
but first-
the thing is
that the mere sight
of spring-
the inner sight-
makes it impossible to last-
the thirst...
I can feel the thirst-
It burns the blood.
but first-
the thing is
that the mere sight
of spring-
the inner sight-
makes it impossible to last-
the thirst...
cristina erdei: De ce nu?
cristina erdei: De ce nu?: „ Întâmpinarea altului , aceasta să fi fost drama modernităţii şi, în acelaşi timp, soluţia postmodernităţii? Cum se poate forma competenţa...
De ce nu?
„Întâmpinarea altului, aceasta să fi fost drama modernităţii şi, în acelaşi timp, soluţia postmodernităţii? Cum se poate
forma competenţa de a înţelege complexitatea realităţii şi cum se poate educa
percepţia, conturând diferite limite şi nuanţe ale gândului, ale privirii ori
ale gestului? În pofita tuturor
încercărilor teoretice, de ce nu există modalităţi reale de pregătire a
vieţuirii în comun, experienţe autentice de mediere a întâlnirii semnificative între oameni, limbaje, discipline, culturi
ori religii diferite?”
( E. M. Szekely-Competenţa de (re)lectură. Experienţe în viziune integrată)
Horizon past horizon, a pain- a line,
The sun is melting down in lazy rivers,
And they are running to the ground with every grind,
While you forget to pay this sight its shivers.
Its just a sketch from elbow to your wrist-
But who is able to grasp the real meaning? Who?
Nobody there! You close your fist:
Much better hide it under a tattoo...
The sun is melting down in lazy rivers,
And they are running to the ground with every grind,
While you forget to pay this sight its shivers.
Its just a sketch from elbow to your wrist-
But who is able to grasp the real meaning? Who?
Nobody there! You close your fist:
Much better hide it under a tattoo...
coffee addiction
The hardest thing of all: self-fight,
Not when the lure is far,
but when too close-too late
and cruel damage brought to light.
And then, you look at how it feasts
on thought, on will ,on sleep-
And what were you -now something meek-
is just a shaddow, chain on wrists.
Not when the lure is far,
but when too close-too late
and cruel damage brought to light.
And then, you look at how it feasts
on thought, on will ,on sleep-
And what were you -now something meek-
is just a shaddow, chain on wrists.
Complexul lui Apollo
…iar la greci:legenda spune că Leto, însărcinată cu un Zeus veşnic fecundator şi absent din viaţa progeniturilor şi a mamelor respective, s-a retras pe insula Delos, unde a dat naştere gemenilor Artemis şi Apollo. Detaliu semnificativ: viitoarea zeiţă a vânătoarei se ridică şi îşi ajută mama să-i aducă pe lume fratele şi devine astfel, simbolic, prin experienţă, egala femeii aflate în travaliu, şi, de ce nu, un dublu al acesteia; preia, în consecinţă, atributul de mamă pentru propriul frate…Acesta se substituie, prin lipsă, bărbatului (ideal) pentru mamă, dar şi pentru soră, în virtutea unei coerenţe mitologice infailibile. Nu întâmplător, Artemis, aparent hotărâtă, dar duală în fapt, alege castitatea, gonind însă prin păduri după vânat, un transparent semnificant al iubirii. Perechea sa virtuală, căreia îi rezervă potenţialul partenerului de cuplu, nu este nimeni altul decât Apollo, argument susţinut şi de “promiscuitatea” sarcinii gemelare. Actualizând echivalenţele, ajungem la incest. Ca orice “legătură bolnăvicioasă”, triada lor trezeşte sensibilităţi nebănuite: neinspirata Niobe se declară îndreptăţită a fi mai mândră de fiii şi fiicele sale decât Leto. Va plăti scump: gemenii divini îi săgeteată cu cruzime pe toţi , cu excepţia ei (sărmana!), pentru a satisface un afront dispoporţionat cu fapta, dar egal cu propria lor neîmplinire şi nefericire. Împlinind arhetipul, când suntem confruntaţi cu ameninţarea “iluminării” unui fapt incomod, greu de suportat, întindem arcul spre cel ce ne pune faţă în faţă cu noi înşine pentru a nu risca durerea.
how can I
How can I tell you what you know
already but refuse to think about,
to see, to say, to fight?
But from your looks
and stare,
It's clear: Truth
has come around.
And I'm afraid that Fear
is far from you.
already but refuse to think about,
to see, to say, to fight?
But from your looks
and stare,
It's clear: Truth
has come around.
And I'm afraid that Fear
is far from you.
Still young, my age, and yet, you die-
To blame myself and others- for you're sick-
The selfishness-we can't deny-
Has banished hope and blood away from cheek,
and anger has aroused.
Deep lines of disgust from nose to mouth.
To blame myself and others- for you're sick-
The selfishness-we can't deny-
Has banished hope and blood away from cheek,
and anger has aroused.
Deep lines of disgust from nose to mouth.
try to be different, you'll only succeed
to look down on those common
-such common a deed-
and slowly sail away from your own shore
when being ignored by those you ignore.
isn't it every step an attempt made in vain
to feed all the hunger and yourself to regain...
to look down on those common
-such common a deed-
and slowly sail away from your own shore
when being ignored by those you ignore.
isn't it every step an attempt made in vain
to feed all the hunger and yourself to regain...
Blood against itself
Blood against blood,
Eye against eye,
Words mean to be daggers
the same heart to find.
Eye against eye,
Words mean to be daggers
the same heart to find.
The Statue
Before, the Statue was just copper-not quite the ordinary type,
Then time and fire got to rob it of anything refused to pass
the gate of mind.
Self-placed on base, surrounded by modern glass and steel,
The figure seemed to gaze beyond the things or waving hand-
Inhuman chill.
And yet, the eyes, the eyes above the lips and palmes so sealed
Relieased a language that spoke of anger, hope and pain
Still waiting to reveal...
Then time and fire got to rob it of anything refused to pass
the gate of mind.
Self-placed on base, surrounded by modern glass and steel,
The figure seemed to gaze beyond the things or waving hand-
Inhuman chill.
And yet, the eyes, the eyes above the lips and palmes so sealed
Relieased a language that spoke of anger, hope and pain
Still waiting to reveal...
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